Your support is vital!

Portsmouth Buddhist Center runs entirely on the generosity of our community. We feel inspired to offer all our classes and courses based on suggested donations so everyone can afford to come. Support us today with a regular gift and you’ll help keep the Center available for all!

Portsmouth resident Dayapradipa stayed involved with PBC even while she lived and worked on Nantucket Island. She writes: “As someone who was out there on an island without a community, I can say the PBC is a PRECIOUS Jewel, to be treasured and not taken for granted.” Dayapradipa is now back in town and a member of the PBC Board. 


Give the gift of community...

In the past few year, hundreds of people have availed themselves of PBC’s introductory courses and weekend practice days. We have also welcomed many newcomers, as well as regular friends, to our sangha (community) gatherings, now on Sunday mornings, and to our regular Level 2 Buddhism and meditation classes. We also help provide free mindfulness and meditation classes every month at Portsmouth Public Library.

To ensure we can continue to offer inspiring teaching and spiritual friendship to anyone who needs it, as well as support the spiritual life of our Buddhist community and our city, the Portsmouth Buddhist Center needs your help now. PBC’s existence depends entirely on dana – on the generosity of people who value its contribution to their lives and to the world. We ask that you make a commitment to a monthly gift of any size to help PBC survive and thrive.

Our goal is $2,000 in monthly donations. This amount would cover our operating costs at our new home in town and enable us to build a reserve, making the PBC more sustainable long-term. If you attend the Center on a weekly basis – or perhaps hope to attend more regularly in future – we suggest a monthly gift of $20 to $50 (just $5 to $10 per week). However, a regular pledge of any amount will show your support and make a valuable contribution. You can indicate your intention to send a monthly check by emailing, or you can set up an automatic monthly payment using the gift button above.

Don’t take the Portsmouth Buddhist Center for granted – pledge now!

With metta, the PBC Council
(Candradasa, Maryellen, Shraddhavani, Suddhayu, Viriyalila)

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